Smoke N Motor Show Rib Cook-off
Rules & Entry Form
1) Mandatory cook’s meeting will be held on Saturday June 1st at 9am to go over rules, answer any questions, and finalize entries. Setup can start at 7am June 1st.
2) All meat must be in sealed store-bought packaging, uncooked, unseasoned, and uncured. No home packaged/sealed meat allowed. Meat inspection will be on arrival.
3) No meat is to leave event site once it has been inspected.
4) Disqualification will be as follows: turning in undercooked meats (blood
presence), foreign objects in containers, failure to provide correct number of pieces for judging, not using gloves, failure to maintain a clean environment in cooking area.
5) Limited electric available. Generators are allowed.
6) Additional category
“Anything but ribs”, get creative and think outside the box.
Anything but ribs will pay $100, winner takes all.
7) Each team is required to turn in 5 identifiable pieces.
Styrofoam boxes will be provided to each team for turn-ins.

“Anything but Ribs” 2:00pm
RIBS 2:30pm
9) Entries will be judged on a scale of 2-9 with emphasis on appearance (does it look good?), taste, and tenderness.
10) Teams that turn in an entry that is disqualified will receive a score of 1.
11) Garnish will NOT be allowed. If you garnish your turn-in box, you will be disqualified.
12) All fuel sources will be allowed.
“Anything but Ribs” $100 winner takes all.
RIBS 1st place $500
2nd and 3rd place payout depend on number of teams.